First of all, a happy new year!
I paused the newsletter for few days, because I was pretty sure that you will be bombarded with ads and promotions regd books to read during Dec holidays.
Some were distractions. Some great suggestions, right?
Now that we are done with all the parties and settling into the new year, let’s restart atomic ideas and create a better world!
This year is going to be an interesting one given the state of global economy and all the chaos associated with it and importantly, the opportunities it unfolds.
And that’s what my first book reco of this year is all about.
If you think your life's purpose needs to hit you like a lightning bolt, you'll overlook the little day-to-day things that fascinate you.”
While there are many self-help business books, very few actual doers share their experience from the trenches.
One such book which I’d really recommend is Anything You Want (by Derek Sivers, the founder of CD Baby, the popular music site for independent artists).
Sharing 5 key ideas from Derek’s book (much of his advice can be applied to one’s career as well as business). If you like them, share with your friends and colleagues.
Stop doing what’s not working
Success comes from persistently improving and inventing, not from persistently doing what's not working.
If you're not saying “HELL YEAH!” about something, say “no.”
You don't sign up for a marathon and hire a taxi to drive you to the finish line. The real point is what you want to be, not have.
It’s okay to exclude people
You can’t please everyone, so proudly exclude people.
Proudly say what you're not. It's a big world.
You can loudly leave out 99 percent of it.
You should care about your customers more than you care about yourself!
That's the Tao of business: care more about your customers than yourself, and you'll do well.
The tiny details matter
Please know that it's often the tiny details that really thrill people enough to make them tell all their friends about you.
If you find even the smallest way to make people smile, they'll remember you more for that smile than for all your other fancy business-model stuff.
Improve The World While Improving Yourself
When you make a business, you get to make a little universe where you create all the laws.
Never forget that absolutely everything you do is for your customers.
Be incredibly clear in your writing. Leave no room for confusion.
Pay close attention to what excites you and what drains you.
Making a company is a great way to improve the world while improving yourself.
Other ideas from the book:
When you're onto something great it won't feel like something great. It will feel like uncommon sense.
There is a huge advantage in having many tiny customers. You can fire any individual client as long as you keep your customers happy in general.
Your first idea is just one of an infinite number of options. Make plans for many different scenarios. There is no one path to success.
How do you grade yourself? You should know what matters most to you.
Pay close attention to what excites you and what drains you.
Always trust, but verify whenever you delegate a role.
Have a great 2023!